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Slugs and Snails


Alpha Buck
Hi - I've just been out to say 'good night' to the rabbits and noticed 2 slugs in Zola's food bowl. I have also noticed snails have been in the hutch too - I can see their trails. Does anyone else have this problem and how do you solve it? Is it dangerous for the rabbits having these creatures crawling over their food / hutch. Hoping someone can advise :?. Thanks Gill
I'd be interested to know too as i hate them! Blossom doesnt seem to mind them but I kno Ebony hates them!
:wave: Ive been having the same problem, its so annoying. Im thinking about putting some slug pellets around the hutch, but far enough away so that dolce can't reach them.
I've got a dog so cant put pellets down. My father in law says they wont cross over copper?? Not sure how I put copper round them all though???!!! :?
You can buy it in a tape form (copper) just tack it onto the legs and the bottoms of the hutch where they can climb up. We use pellets too which keeps that back away from the hutches.
Put copper tape around the legs. If you use pellets, the slugs turn into slim and leave a big mess though.
I read on another thread that this girl puts a bowl of rabbit food and water under the hutch for the slugs so they don't go into the hutch. i'd be scared of attracting mice but it's a fair enough idea. their all around my bunnies hutch every night. disgusting things. :mrgreen:
No, it's not dangerous for the rabbits but nasty for us. I have snails in the shed where the bun is and slugs in his run!!! Copper tape doesn't stop these ones! Trying salt next!
I *think* slugs are territorial so will keep returning. It's a good idea to scrub where they've been, to remove trails that other slugs then follow.

They dont like copper tape cos it gives them an electric shock.

I have them indoors (yuck :roll:) so I'm not quite sure how to go about getting rid of them in a way that doesnt harm Muppet. Wrapping the house in copper tape could be tricky...!
:lol: Mental image of your house being wrapped in copper tape!! :lol:

My buns are at my mum's at the mo while we sort the garden out, my mum doesnt seem to get them in her garden, maybe we should all go use her garden for the buns??!!! :lol:
I wouldn't use slug pellets - puts poisons into the food chain and bad for birds/frogs/ hedgehogs. I'd use a mix of gravel and copper tape. Salt must be a horrible death for them. I know they're not pleasant to look at but that doesn't mean they don't feel pain of some sort...:?
when we had grass in our back yard my o/h sank a small deepish bowl so just the rim was level with grass and filled the bowl with BEER they love beer they attracted to the smell when we got up next mornin was about 10 in the bowl a beer :lol:
Does you hutch have damp spots? slugs and snails are attracted to damp areas. If you don't leave greens lying around for too long they should get fed up and try elsewhere.
smelly hutch

I have a dwarf lop called thumper she is 7 months old and is a house rabbit, but just recently her hutch has started smelling very easily. I used to change it every second day and spray it with cage dissinfectant spray but now Im having to do it every day because my house is starting to smell like a zoo. can someone please help I'm at my wits end. :roll:
I have a dwarf lop called thumper she is 7 months old and is a house rabbit, but just recently her hutch has started smelling very easily. I used to change it every second day and spray it with cage dissinfectant spray but now Im having to do it every day because my house is starting to smell like a zoo. can someone please help I'm at my wits end. :roll:

think this may need moving to somewhere else....
you can get organic slug pellets, could try coffee grounds, sharp sand or beer in sunken jam jars.

My garden is a battlefield, last year I grew veg, before getting my allotment. I used lots of slug pellets last year, which seems to have had an impact this year as there are a lot less, Still finding humungus ones though, egghhh

Snails I can handle, slugs are horrid

Going to clean Charlies run with a salt solution tomorrow, as I made the mistake of putting the veg in there last week now it has loads of baby slugs. Salt solution is the only thing that gets rid of snail trails.
Ooohh the nasty things - I sympathise I have the same problem - I'm going to try the beer bowls this week. I worry about putting salt down as its poisonous to a lot of furries. I have just bought some sharp sand to lay slabs, where do I put it? Around the runs???