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looking to get a bunny


Warren Scout
hi all
my name is tina, and my son who's 9 is hankering to get a rabbit. i saw this forum and thought i'd better have a look, and get some info.
i love them, and would love to have one, but am a bit wary as i have dogs.
so gonna do some searching and find advise before i take the plunge
Hiya Deez, welcome and I think its great that you are researching before taking the plunge!
Hi good idea to do your research first! I learnt loads on here when i adopted my rabbit.

What breed of dog do you have?
alaskan malamutes!:roll: strong prey drive, but they get on with our cats, and we have gerbils, that they ignore.
if we get a rabbit, my son would like it in his room- which is why i'm doing the research first. looking into hutches, how much exercise, what type of rabbit etc etc. obviously want to make sure they re safe and happy.
If you decide to get a rabbit be prepared to take over the housekeeping as although i'm sure your son is very caring and loves rabbits, he may lose interest after a month or two. This is mainly because rabbits can be hard to handle and many do not like to be held or cuddled. Rabbits also like the company of their own kind and therefore are usually happier with a neutered partner.

I have 2 bonded rescue rabbits that live in a shed with an attached run. They are very friendly and always greet me when i go out to them. They hate being picked up and i accept that this is natural behaviour as they a prey animals.