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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

:( not good


Young Bun
took my 9 week old bunnie, simba, to vets today as hes seemed a bit less hyper than usual, has sore eyes since yesterday, and i noticed a few symettrical lumps (reasoanably soft and tissuey). only got him a week today but love him loads already..

anyway i showed the vet the lumps, and turnes out theyre lymphocyte things, which is where white blood cells go, which means hes trying to fight off somethiiing.. just we dont know what. either hes got an infection or hes got cancer. vets given him antibiotics, but imworried now because he didnt drink anythingg last night but i brought him over to the water bottle and squezed it out for him and he drank like an inch n then ate alot. he hasnt hardly drank today although i did the same, and hes drank a little bit. given him some carrot but hes not interested

theres some photos on him in the introdutions section, if anyones interested btw

have to bring him back tomorrow for the other vet to take a look at him hes somewhat of a rabbit expert parrently hah. the vettoday was really nice and was impressed i found them haha. he says hes never seen anything like it before though :(. when he brought up cost, and mum was like yeah, thats what im a bit worried about, the vet was like hmm there are other rabbits. and i was like but i didnt decide i wanted a rabbit and got this one, i saw this one and wanted him :( and ive only had him a weke but were used to eachother already and he follows me round etc :( he wont even eat his little treat things. totally worried tbh. does anyone think that milk might be a good idea for nutrition and drink, if hes not bothered with wateR?

sooo worried :(

i'm so sorry your little one is ill :( i'm no expert so i can't offer any advice but i'm sure more experienced people will.
I'm sorry to hear your bunny's not well. Don't give him milk as his body is not designed to deal with milk. Have you tried giving him water in a bowl? Is he eating anything?
no you mustn't give rabbits dairy foods - and it's very important to keep feeding a new rabbit the same as what it's used to eating - nothing new for a few weeks as they get very stressed by change in their life.
i will say, though, you could try cooled boiled water. rabbits love warm water so you might be able to tempt him with that.
He may be more interested in drinking warm water from a bowl.....its very important he stays hydrated as it helps keep his tummy functioning well.

Did the vet give him a thorough examination, checking his temperature, chest, heart and the inside of his mouth?
thanks ill do that then! and haha glad i didnt jup right in and take mums advice and give him milk haha
hes basically just lying on my bed atm. not interested in exploring like he was yesterday but similarly hes not hapopy to just sit in his cage so thats good i guess

his eyes are far worse theyre not just watering now, theyre really swollen

my appointment tomorrows at half 4 ill be on pins and needles till then :(

cant stop crying and he keeps looking at me like are you stupid?! haha.

thanks for avice everyne
thanks ill do that then! and haha glad i didnt jup right in and take mums advice and give him milk haha
hes basically just lying on my bed atm. not interested in exploring like he was yesterday but similarly hes not hapopy to just sit in his cage so thats good i guess

his eyes are far worse theyre not just watering now, theyre really swollen

my appointment tomorrows at half 4 ill be on pins and needles till then :(

cant stop crying and he keeps looking at me like are you stupid?! haha.

thanks for avice everyne

Has he been vaccinated yet? :?
yeah he did.. sorry i forgot about that bit, diodnt really think it was part of the checking overy process, more of a making sure he was a boy!

no redness or swelling.

oh, and hes moved his food around, but looks like hes not ate anything
and not any carrot which, although only having im for a week, is v unusual
also how fast should a rabbit breath cause i can see his stomach rising and falling and its like 9 beats every 5 seconds (timed it lol) but then i guess maybe thats normal for rabbits?
i will say, though, you could try cooled boiled water. rabbits love warm water so you might be able to tempt him with that.

Oh i just love getting tips from this site. Just given shiver cooled boiled water for the first time ever and he's lapping it up. Thanks :D
under jaw, behind shoulder blades, just a bit down from there, like near the thigh area, and under hind legs.
haha he does seem more enthusiastic with the warmth of it
but still not wanting to drink much
just bathed his eyes
under jaw, behind shoulder blades, just a bit down from there, like near the thigh area, and under hind legs.
haha he does seem more enthusiastic with the warmth of it
but still not wanting to drink much
just bathed his eyes

Did you say the vet said they were lymphatic?
none on his face,
and like peas, only softer
dont cause him any dscomfort and he shows no signs that theyre sore or anything