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Help! Is this nesting?


Mama Doe
New bunny Lulu is ripping up all the newspaper in her run (house bunny) and putting it in one corner of her hutch. She's not pulling out fur though?
Any thoughts? Could she just be a particular bunny and is 'tidying up'?!:?
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You will definately know when she is nesting lol:wave: Misty normally uses alllll her hay and makes it in the closed part of the hutch then the fur starts coming out :rolleyes:
Thanks MindyMoo. She's outside just now so no newspaper for her to nest with, and still no fur pulling-out. Will just have to keep an eye on her - will be pretty cross if she's pregnant as I got her through Gumtree with no mention of male rabbit etc etc :shock: and am waiting until she's lost enough weight til I can get her spayed :?
She might just want to make herself a soft bed. I've even heard of male rabbits doing this sometimes:3

Also pregnant rabbits sometimes makes nests early in pregnancy but don't pluck their fur before later. (I didn't even find traces of fur before Aroma suddenly had 12 kits in the nest box one morning:roll:)
Is she neutered? My new girlie isn't and she hasn't stopped running around with hay in her mouth all day :rolleyes:
No she's not neutered - only got her last Sunday, took her to the vets Monday who said she was too overweight to spay just now. We're going back in 2 weeks to have her weighed again - she's been on a diet and getting lots of exercise. :rolleyes:
My neutered girl is currently ripping up newpaper and reordering their bedding area - Boy bun ignoring this odd behaviour. I wondered if it was left over behaviour because she had had two litters before being rescued.
My rabbits often go through phases of ripping up paper, even the neuteured ones, i think it is just boredom/playing.
Sounds like nest building to me! Merry used to do it quite a lot, but hasn't since she was neutered - not even once (yet)!