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Fiesty Females!!!


Wise Old Thumper
lol inspired from a chat i just had on Jellys spay post! here we can show off our fiesty little girls who nip, bite and scratch us ot peices btu we wouldnt change them for the world!!!

Here is Jelly. had her from a baby, but shes always been nippy. i dread to think where she would be if i hadnt bought her, in a rescue, or worse neglected and unloved. She loves me boyf more than me, infact im convinced she hates me...but i wouldnt change her for the world!!



Jelly and her baby


Jelly with her son, indi aka Debs Benji!

Lets see everyones else feisty females!
Heres Lily, who bites and scratches, but loves her mummy very much.

Miss Grumpy face:lol:

And heres my bridge bun Bunnykins, who was a right little madam, but loved her grandad (my dad) to bits and would let him do anything too her except pick her up:roll:


Mine are quite good actually, although, they are like nibbling puppies, and scratch when I'm trying to pick them up. I'll post a piccie anyway: :lol: (if that's ok)



lol it most certaintly is not! this only for satans devil bunnies! you cnt put youre lovely girlies on here!!
hahahahaha ( i am very much joking bwt hehe they r soooo cute! maybe devils in disguise?)
Ooh I have a few of those :lol:

First is Piglet, she's a complete angel as long as you never pick her up :lol: Then she scratches, bites, wriggles and is an absolute monster! I wouldn't have her any other way though, she's my special fiesty girl :love: :love: :love:



Then there's Sophie, a complete madam who hates nose rubs, being picked up and with kick you so hard when you do pick her up :shock: :lol: I don't blame her though, she's been through a lot in her life and she just wants to be sure she gets what she wants this time :lol:



My other girlie is an absolute angel...most of the time :lol: Here she is anyway...she deserves to be mentioned :love:

the only girl i had problems with was my ickle Honey i still loved her to pieces though... i still have a scar on my arm from where she nibbled while she was at the vets i thought she was going to chew my arm off :shock:

My Muffin - she's SO beautiful but she just does not want to be loved!! She still won't let me even stroke her, never mind pick her up. She'll sit on me to eat, but that's as good as it gets. And she stomps her feet like a stroppy teenager!!

lol it most certaintly is not! this only for satans devil bunnies! you cnt put youre lovely girlies on here!!
hahahahaha ( i am very much joking bwt hehe they r soooo cute! maybe devils in disguise?)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks. Jelly is gorge as is her babies. She looks very protective over them.