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cutting nails


Wise Old Thumper
what is the appropriate position to hold the nail clippers when cutting bunnies nails? i have clippers with a bit that slides across to sever the nail but am never sure if this should hit the nail from the side or the top or the bottom, or if it even matters. probably a really silly question i know! :oops: thanks
I was always told to start the cut from the bottom as the underside of the nail is the most brittle part and more likely to splinter. It some how gives it a cleaner faster cut. Be sure to trim just beyond the quick at a 45 degree angle.

wow excellent diagram, thats just what i was looking for, thankyou :) i bought them but they came with no kind of instructions or tips, how annoying.
Well I was double checking my facts before posting, so I looked up clipping a rabbit's nails. It said just like a dog or cat. And I came across that picture. I think it illustrates the concept very nicely.

Just be careful. Have you ever clipped your bun's nails before? Some don't mind it, some go crazy. Don't want your bun (or you) to get hurt. I personally don't like that style of clipper. I don't like the sissor style either. I use regular toe nail clippers on MacGyver. He's very good about getting his nails cut though.
i have done it regularly since i got them, it's just something that I've always wondered about, but I didn't have anyone to ask about it till i found this forum. i got those clippers cos they were the only ones i could find at the time and i'd read that normal toenail clippers weren't suitable, they gave a reason but i've forgotten it now. :oops: i don't really like the ones i have though, they're awkward.